» » Triethylene Glycol (TEG)

Triethylene Glycol (TEG)


Name of the material: 2, 2 and 2, hydroxy-ethanol, ethanol 

Brand name (Persian): Triethylene glycol 

Brand name: tri-ethylene glycol 

Other names: dihydroxy ether, 2-2 ethylene dioxa ethanol 

Related Materials: Ethylene Glycol, Diethylene Glycol 


Triethylene glycol is an organic compound of the family of two-factor or di-alcohol alcohols and is used as a vinyl plasticizer. Triethylene glycol has high toxicity. It is also used in antimicrobials. Glycol is used as a natural gas in the air conditioning system. 


  Oil and gas industry, moisture absorption, textile, tile, cement 


Physical and chemical properties: 

Molecular formula: C6H14O4 

Molar mass: 150.17 g mol-1 

Density 1.1 g / mL 

Solubility in water Miscible Melting Point -7 ° C 

Boiling point at 285oC 


Production methods: 

In the tri-ethylene glycol industry along with di-tetra and man-ethylene glycol in the high-temperature ethylene oxidation reaction, in the presence of a silver oxide catalyst.  

Chemical reactions: 

Ethylene is used as a protective group for the carbonyl group in organic synthesis. Preparation of ketones or aldehydes in the presence of acid catalyst. 


Safety Information: 

Triethylene glycol has high toxicity. It burns toxic fumes during burning. Eating an ethylene glycol on the central nerves affects and causes confusion.